Now Available for Online Coaching
Do you feel there is more to life than what you are now experiencing?
Is there an area in your life where you feel stuck or ready for a change?
Are you stressed out or in pain?
Do you need to take better care of yourself?
Perhaps you feel isolated due to our fast pace life style, where everyone seems to be always busy.
Do you sometimes wish you could talk to someone openly and confidentially without feeling you will be judged for speaking your truth?
Life happens and if we are not careful, in the daily struggle to survive, we lose sight of ourselves. We give it our all to our loved ones and career and at the end of the day we feel exhausted.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. Although most of us feel that asking for help as a sign of weakness, it is actually the opposite. It takes courage to ask for help when we need it.
Together we can create a nurturing safe space for you to be YOU. A space where your authentic self can flourish.
You have all the wisdom you need within you. With a little help you can uncover old patterns that no longer work for you. You will be aware of negative emotions that stopped you from moving forward. You will foster self-growth and self-awareness. You will see things from a fresh perspective and even tap into your intuition more easily.
With just a little support you will find the clarity you need to truly start creating the life you crave but for some reason or another you held back. When you team up with me as your coach, or with other like minded people through our workshops, you will feel recharged. Your creative juices will start to flow, and you will have the energy to create the life you crave.
It would be an honor to be part of your team, as you create a more playful meaningful life. As your coach I will be there for you through the ups and downs of your journey, to support you. To give you a little nudge when you feel like giving up on your dream and to celebrate your wins.
For more information on how coaching can help you transform your life, or one of our workshops, contact me.
I am looking forward to talking to you soon.
With love,
Gladys Jimenez,
Certified Life Coach