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   Making a difference through art modalities

Boldly Creating Life Foundation

Boldly Creating Life Foundation began by bringing art supplies and art facilitators back into elementary school classrooms that are lacking an art program due to budget cuts.


By bringing different art modalities back into the classrooms, children will learn how to to express their creativity hands-on. Research has shown that students involved in the arts do better academically overall, and their self-confidence improves.


We work with art instructors and artists to train volunteers as art facilitators. We integrate the art lesson with other academic subjects according to the California Department of Education Content Standards for elementary grades so that students can learn about, through, and with the arts while implementing the Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards.


We also bring the arts to work with Senior citizens and adults going through difficult times such a grief, major illnesses, or needing help with trauma healing.


Our community is composed of individuals who are passionate about our mission to serve, help, and empower individuals through creative expression. We are thankful for our staff, volunteers, sponsors and donors who enable us to make our vision possible.


Your tax deductible contribution allows Boldly Creating Life Foundation to foster creative expression and self empowerment. 

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“I believe that exposure to the arts in children’s and young adult’s lives helps shape and change them for the better. I can speak from personal experience, and when I look around and recognize the sobering reality that these are the exact programs that are being cut from our schools and disappearing from our communities at a drastic rate, I am more determined than ever to drive my philanthropic efforts in this direction." - Josh Groban

 Boldly Creating Life Foundation (BCLF), is a non profit 501(C)(3) organization.


243 S. Escondido Blvd., #710, Escondido, CA 92025

 Phone: (442) 777-3306 * Email:

© 2011-2022 - Boldly Creating Life Foundation. All rights reserved.

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